Administering Batch Jobs

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10 Administering Batch Jobs

This chapter provides procedures for administering batch jobs in the GlassFish Server environment by using the asadmin command-line utility.

The following topics are addressed here:

Instructions for accomplishing these tasks by using the Administration Console are contained in the Administration Console online help.

About Batch Jobs

GlassFish Server provides a batch runtime for the scheduling and execution of batch jobs. Batch jobs are typically long-running, bulk-oriented tasks that contain a series of steps and can be executed without user interaction. Examples include billing, report generation, data format conversion, and image processing.

Batch applications submit jobs to the batch runtime and provide instructions about how and when to execute the steps. The batch runtime processes the steps as directed by job XML documents packaged with the applications and stores information about jobs in a job repository. In GlassFish Server, the job repository is a database

For detailed information about batch jobs, batch processing, and the batch processing framework, see "[Batch Processing]" in The Java EE 8 Tutorial. Also see Java Specification Request 352: Batch Applications for the Java Platform ( The specification defines the programming model for batch applications and the runtime for scheduling and executing batch jobs.

Viewing Batch Jobs

You can view detailed information about batch jobs, executions, and steps. Users who log in to the asadmin utility or to the Administration Console as administrator are the only users who can view details for all batch jobs submitted by all applications in the GlassFish Server environment.

The following tasks are used to view information about batch jobs:

To List Batch Jobs

Use the list-batch-jobs subcommand in remote mode to list batch jobs and job details.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.
    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List batch jobs by using the list-batch-jobs subcommand.

Example 10-1 Listing Batch Jobs

This example lists batch jobs for the default server instance, server. Use list-batch-jobs -l to list additional details.

asadmin> list-batch-jobs
payroll  9
bonus    6
Command list-batch-jobs executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-batch-jobs at the command line.

To List Batch Job Executions

When the batch runtime executes a job, the execution is given a unique execution ID. An execution ID is similar to a process ID. A new execution is created the first time a job is started and every time the existing execution is restarted.

Use the list-batch-job-executions subcommand in remote mode to list batch job executions and execution details.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.
    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List batch job executions by using the list-batch-job-executions subcommand.

Example 10-2 Listing Batch Job Executions

This example lists batch job executions for the default server instance, server, and displays specific details. Use list-batch-job-executions -l to list additional details.

asadmin> list-batch-job-executions -o=jobname,executionid,batchstatus,exitstatus
payroll  9            COMPLETED    COMPLETED
bonus    6            FAILED       FAILED
Command list-batch-job-executions executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-batch-job-executions at the command line.

To List Batch Job Steps

A batch job consists of one or more steps. A step is an independent and sequential phase of a batch job.

Use the list-batch-job-steps subcommand in remote mode to list steps and step details for a specific batch job execution.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.
    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List the execution ID of an execution by using the list-batch-job-executions subcommand.

  3. List steps for a specific batch job execution by using the list-batch-job-steps subcommand.

Example 10-3 Listing Batch Job Steps

This example lists batch job steps and specific step details for a job execution with the execution ID of 7. The target is the default server instance, server. Use list-batch-job-steps -l to list additional details.

Some lines of output are omitted from this example for readability.

asadmin> list-batch-job-steps o=stepname,stepid,batchstatus,stepmetrics 7
prepare    7        COMPLETED     METRICNAME          VALUE
                                  READ_COUNT          8
                                  WRITE_COUNT         8
                                  PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT  0
process    8        COMPLETED     METRICNAME          VALUE
                                  READ_COUNT          8
                                  WRITE_COUNT         8
                                  PROCESS_SKIP_COUNT  0
Command list-batch-job-steps executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-batch-job-steps at the command line.

Configuring the Batch Runtime

The batch runtime uses a data source and a managed executor service to execute batch jobs. The data source stores information about current and past jobs, and the managed executor service provides threads to jobs. Batch runtime configuration data is stored in the config element in domain.xml.

GlassFish Server provides a default data source and managed executor service for the execution of batch jobs. For the domain administration server (DAS), the default data source is jdbc/__TimerPool and the default managed executor service is concurrent/__defaultManagedExecutorService. If you create a standalone server instance or a standalone cluster, the default data source is jdbc/__default. You can configure the batch runtime to use different resources.

For more information about data sources, see Administering Database Connectivity. For more information about managed executor services, see Configuring Managed Executor Services.

The following tasks are used to view and configure the batch runtime:

To List the Batch Runtime Configuration

Use the list-batch-runtime-configuration subcommand in remote mode to display the configuration of the batch runtime.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.
    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Display the configuration of the batch runtime by using the list-batch-runtime-configuration subcommand.

  3. If desired, use the get subcommand to view the attributes of the data source and managed executor service resources.
    For example (output omitted):

asdmin> get resources.jdbc-resource.jdbc/__TimerPool.*
asdmin> get resources.managed-executor-service.concurrent/__defaultManagedExecutorService.*

Example 10-4 Listing the Batch Runtime Configuration

This example lists the configuration of the batch runtime for the default server instance, server.

asadmin> list-batch-runtime-configuration
jdbc/__TimerPool         concurrent/__defaultManagedExecutorService
Command list-batch-runtime-configuration executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-batch-runtime-configuration at the command line.

To Configure the Batch Runtime

Use the set-batch-runtime-configuration subcommand in remote mode to configure the batch runtime.


Do not change the data source after the first batch job has been submitted to the batch runtime for execution. If the data source must be changed, stop and restart the domain and then make the change before any jobs are started or restarted. However, once the data source has been changed, information stored in the previous data source becomes inaccessible.

The managed executor service can be changed after a batch job has been submitted to the batch runtime without affecting execution of the job.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.
    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Configure the batch runtime by using the set-batch-runtime-configuration subcommand.

Example 10-5 Configuring the Batch Runtime

This example configures the batch runtime for the default server instance, server, to use an existing managed executor service named concurrent/Executor1.

asadmin> set-batch-runtime-configuration --executorservicelookupname concurrent/Executor1
Command set-batch-runtime-configuration executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help set-batch-runtime-configuration at the command line.

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