Eclipse GlassFish Server Embedded Server Guide, Release 5.1

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Eclipse GlassFish Server

Embedded Server Guide

Release 5.1

Contributed 2018, 2019

This document explains how to run applications in embedded GlassFish Server Open Source Edition and to develop applications in which GlassFish Server is embedded. This document is for software developers who are developing applications to run in embedded GlassFish Server. The ability to program in the Java language is assumed.

Note: The main thrust of the Eclipse GlassFish Server 5.1 release is to provide an application server for developers to explore and begin exploiting the new and updated technologies in the Java EE 7 platform. Thus, the embedded server feature of GlassFish Server was not a focus of this release. This feature is included in the release, but it may not function properly with some of the new features added in support of the Java EE 7 platform.

Eclipse GlassFish Server Embedded Server Guide, Release 5.1

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