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creates a node that is not enabled for remote communication


asadmin [asadmin-options] create-node-config [--help]
[--nodehost node-host]
[--installdir as-install-parent] [--nodedir node-dir] node-name


The create-node-config subcommand creates a node that is not enabled for remote communication. The create-node-config subcommand does not require the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) remote protocol or secure shell (SSH) to be configured to create the node.

A node represents a host on which the \{product---name} software is installed. A node must exist for every host on which \{product---name} instances reside.


To represent the host where the DAS is running, \{product---name} provides the predefined node `localhost-`domain. The predefined node `localhost-`domain is not enabled for remote communication.

All administration of instances on a node that is not enabled for remote communication must be performed on the host that the node represents. The domain administration server (DAS) on a remote host cannot contact the node. To administer instances on a node that represents a host that is remote from the DAS, you must use the following subcommands:

However, you may use stop-local-instance(1) or stop-instance(1) to stop the instances.

This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin(1M) help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


The name of the host that the node represents. If this option is omitted, no host is specified for the node.


The full path to the parent of the base installation directory of the \{product---name} software on the host, for example, /export/glassfish3/. If this option is omitted, no parent of the base installation directory of the \{product---name} software is specified for the node.


The path to the directory that is to contain \{product---name} instances that are created on the node. If a relative path is specified, the path is relative to the as-install directory. If this option is omitted, no directory for instances is specified for the node.



The name of the node.
The name must meet the following requirements:

  • The name may contain only ASCII characters.

  • The name must start with a letter, a number, or an underscore.

  • The name may contain only the following characters:

    • Lowercase letters

    • Uppercase letters

    • Numbers

    • Hyphen

    • Period

    • Underscore

  • The name must be unique in the domain and must not be the name of another node, a cluster, a named configuration, or a \{product---name} instance.

  • The name must not be domain, server, or any other keyword that is reserved by \{product---name}.


Example 1   Creating a Node That Is Not Enabled for Remote Communication

This example creates the node sj03 for host The node is not enabled for remote communication.

asadmin> create-node-config --nodehost sj03

Command create-node-config executed successfully.

Exit Status


command executed successfully


error in executing the command

See Also

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