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lists \{product---name} modules


asadmin [asadmin-options] list-modules [--help]


The list-modules subcommand displays a list of modules that are accessible to the \{product---name} module subsystem. The version of each module is shown.

This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.



Options for the asadmin utility. For information about these options, see the asadmin(1M) help page.


Displays the help text for the subcommand.


Example 1   Listing \{product---name} Modules

This example provides a partial listing of modules that are accessible to the \{product---name} module subsystem

asadmin> list-modules
List Of Modules

Module : org.glassfish.transaction.jts:3.0.0.b66
    Module Characteristics : List of Jars implementing the module
        Jar : file:/home/gfuser/GlassFish/glassfishv3/glassfish/modules/jts.jar
    Module Characteristics : Provides to following services
    Module Characteristics : List of imported modules
        Imports : org.glassfish.transaction.jts:3.0.0.b66
Module : com.sun.enterprise.tiger-types-osgi:0.3.96
Module : org.glassfish.bean-validator:3.0.0.JBoss-400Beta3A
Module : org.glassfish.core.kernel:3.0.0.b66
    Module Characteristics : Provides to following services
    Module Characteristics : List of imported modules
        Imports : org.glassfish.core.kernel:3.0.0.b66
    Module Characteristics : List of Jars implementing the module
        Jar : file:/home/gfuser/GlassFish/glassfishv3/glassfish/modules/kernel.jar
Module : org.glassfish.common.util:3.0.0.b66
    Module Characteristics : List of Jars implementing the module
        Jar : file:/home/gfuser/GlassFish/glassfishv3/glassfish/modules/common-util.jar
    Module Characteristics : Provides to following services
    Module Characteristics : List of imported modules
        Imports : org.glassfish.common.util:3.0.0.b66
Command list-modules executed successfully

Exit Status


subcommand executed successfully


error in executing the subcommand

See Also

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