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capturing information on \{product---name} runtime events


Logging is the process by which \{product---name} captures data about events that occur during \{product---name} operation. \{product---name} components and application components generate logging data, which is saved in the server log, typically domain-dir`/logs/server.log`. The server log is the first source of information if \{product---name} problems occur.

The server log is rotated when the file reaches the specified size in bytes, or the specified time has elapsed. The file can also be rotated manually by using the rotate-log subcommand.

In addition to the server log, the domain-dir`/logs` directory contains two other kinds of logs:

  • HTTP service access logs, located in the /access subdirectory

  • Transaction service logs, located in the /tx subdirectory

Logging levels can be configured by using the Administration Console or the set-log-levels subcommand. Additional properties can be set by using the Administration Console or by editing the logging.properties file. The default logging.properties file is typically located in domain-dir`/config`.

Although application components can use the Apache Commons Logging Library to record messages, the platform standard JSR 047 API is recommended for better log configuration.

See Also

"Administering the Logging Service" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition Administration Guide

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